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'Tokyo Wants a Stronger European Foreign Policy'

Michito Tsuruoka, 'Tokyo Wants a Stronger European Foreign Policy', The International Spectator, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2016) was published in October 2016 (belatedly sharing it here...). It is a short commentary on the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS), released in June 2016.

The special issue begins with an interview with Nathalie Tocci, the main architect of the EUGS and a number of experts from across the EU and beyond have contributed commentaries based on it. For me, it was also an extension of the seminar on the EUGS that was held in Tokyo in March 2017, attended by Nathalie and others from the EU.

IAI website: http://www.iai.it/it/pubblicazioni/vol-51-no-3-september-2016
Taylor & Francis website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rspe20/51/3

しばらく前になってしまいましたが、イタリア国際問題研究所(IAI)が刊行しているThe International Spectator (Vol. 51, No. 3, 2016)に、'Tokyo Wants a Stronger European Foreign Policy'と題した短いコメンタリーを掲載いたしました。2016年6月に発表された「EUグローバル戦略(EUGS)」に関するものです。同号巻頭にはEUGS起草で中心的役割を果たし、IAI副所長でもあるNathalie Tocciさんへのインタビューが掲載されていまして、各コメンタリーはそれを受けてのものです。


